Empowering Lightworks


Flourish Your Purpose Center


with Roslyn Elena McGrath

  • 9 One-to-One Monthly Private Sessions by phone or Zoom or in person, up to 1.25 hrs. average. May include:

Limiting Belief Re-Wiring, Issue Clearing &/or Trauma-Informed Art Therapy so you can move forward without internal conflict or self-sabotage & are primed for prosperity.

Soul Integration Trio (Soul Body Fusion, Circuitry Alignment & Akashic/Soul Records Reading) so your deepest, truest voice inspires you to take more confident, balanced, fulfilling action & your clear vibration draws what best suits you into your life.

Energy Field Healing (i.e. Light Activation Bodywork, LaHo-Chi, Archangle Light, Reiki, Healing Touch) so your life force is vibrant & you feel more harmony & ease being you in the physical world

Intuitive Counseling &/or Chakra Reading so you can raise your vibrational ceiling to the level of self-love crucial to thriving you & your purpose.

Channeling of Your Spiritual Team so you can more confidently & effectively share your true gifts.

  • FREE Priority Scheduling

  • BONUS 1: FREE Developing Your Inner Map video to bring forth guidance for your journey from your inner wisdom

  • BONUS 2: 8 FREE Monthly Email Check-ins for ongoing support

  • BONUS 3: FREE Self-Assessment & Integration Check-In for additional support

  • BONUS 4: FREE Downloadable Archangelic Activation video for high-vibrational support accessible 24/7

  • BONUS 5: $20 Off any Empowering Lightworks Training during your membership period to further support your purpose!

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