October 8, 2019
“True health is a combination of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. It comes from taking an active role in exploring and developing interests and fostering interaction with the world and with people around you.
When you have true health you respond to the emotional cues that come from inside you by making decisions about how and where you spend your time and energy. When you are closest to health, the way you spend your time, with which people, what experiences and events you grant yourself lead to a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment.
True health is a lifelong commitment to growing into your Self as you evolve and learn from life’s experiences more about who you really are and what you’re here for. When your actions and intentions are in alignment with what you want on a soulful level, you find joy and peace filling your life, and you have true health.”
– Wendi Greer, Clinical Social Worker
Excerpted with permission from What Is… True Health, Winter 2007–2008 issue of Health & Happiness U.P. Magazine. All rights reserved.
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