March 23, 2020
As a writer, painter and mixed media artist I was asked where my creative inspiration comes from. The answer for me is simple. I look at creative inspiration more as divine intervention, or finding my inner source through intention and then submission.
My best creations are always the kind that flow freely and where I allow the results to happen. I run into roadblocks when I try to mold the outcome.
Mostly, I can feel that there is something in me wanting to come out. A yearning to write something or paint piece, though I am unsure as to what form it will take. So I make the mental intention to create a beautiful painting or story.
Oftentimes I’ve been awoken around two or three in the morning with a flow of information that dances off the pen and onto the paper, or from brush to canvas, with colorful strokes taking over, guiding me through the process.
When the rigors of life present obstacles, I find that journeys into nature always jump start my desire to be creative, allowing that inner feeling or voice to be recognized. Then I make the intention and give in to the process, universe, spirit and/or God.
The experience of writing or painting then becomes such an enjoyable journey that I am always overwhelmed with love and happiness as the creation unfolds. I don’t consider any of my works masterpieces on the economic or public scale, but on the heartfelt and happiness scale, they are as good as gold.
Kevin McGrath is but a pea in the pod of life. His love of creativity can be found by looking into your own heart.
Excerpted with permission from the Winter 2009-2010 issue of Health & Happiness U.P. Magazine, copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
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