Reserve your spot now

for Love-Borne LaHo-Chi

& Angel Light Energy Field Healing

ONLINE Training

Sat. & Sun., Oct. 14 & 15, 2023

*Limited spots are available on a first-come basis.

(Maximum registration deadline 10/11/23 if space available.)




of Your Inner Healer & Spiritual Self with:

• The Fundamental Principles of Healing

• Initiation into Love-Borne LaHo-Chi

& Angel Light Healing Energy

• Guided practice in facilitating Love-Borne LaHo-Chi

& Angel Light Healing sessions

• Receiving Love-Borne LaHo-Chi

& Angel Light Healing sessions each day

• Alternative applications of Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light Healing

*Workbook included.


FREE Certification Opportunity

+ Professional Mentorship Meeting!


Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light Circles

Aug. 2, Sept. 6 & Oct. 2, 2023

6 pm - 6:30 pm Eastern

*PLEASE NOTE: In order to be fully trained in this modality remotely, you are required to:

- Be in a private, quiet, comfortable, undistracted space throughout the training

- Have a massage table or comfy recliner that you can comfortably sit alongside of and lean over toward available for your use both afternoons of the training

- Set up your device and lighting so that you and the upper half of the massage table or recliner can be seen clearly, and adjust your device's location as needed (You will receive more details to help you work out your set-up in advance.)

- Have someone arrive in-person at the early afternoon time specified on both Sept. 15 & Sept. 16 to receive a practice session from you. (You will receive an email with details on this 7 - 10 days before the training.)

Register below ASAP to reserve your spot!


The training changed my life! Love-Borne LaHo-Chi continues to expand my perceptions of the universe and has opened me to begin experiencing a journey of synchronistic discovery of Self.

Roslyn held a wonderful space of love and exploration for us during the training and spoke words of kind wisdom as she guided us through each step of the process. We were each encouraged to reflect on our personal discoveries and share them through creative mediums of our choice.

My allowing the LaHo-Chi energy to flow and work through my life has grown tenfold with practice. It has shed light upon opportunities to shift doubts and fears into confidence that the love I AM is boundless and transformational.

If you feel drawn to experience LaHo Chi, follow your soul’s calling!

- K. Chenoweth, Musician

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The Love-Borne LaHo-Chi training has made me more aware of my clients needs and increased my intuition skills. My clients love it – many experience deeper relaxation, greater awareness of themselves and their needs, and receive valuable guidance for their lives.

- Cassandra Warren, Massage Therapist

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Practicing Love-Borne LaHo-Chi on myself got me through the difficult period of taking care of my mother at her home during the last three weeks of her life. It gave me immediate relief, helping me let go of the tightness around my heart and overall stress, and to stay present and centered through this challenge.

Thank you, Roslyn, for sharing this training with all of us!

- Deb R., Life Coach

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Love-Borne LaHo-Chi finds my center and dances me back into perfect focus. Guides and Angels like to come and play in Roslyn’s room, and insight is free-flowing, like a wise and infinite river of awareness channeling through the air. How could I resist returning to that room? How could anyone?

- Cynthia C., Author & Mom

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You gotta try Angel Light healing! It took me to a place where I was in no pain, after being in pain every moment of the day for thirteen years, no matter how much medication I took.angel Light made me feel so good, better than I'd felt before. I didn't have a care in the world. I was at peace and my body was too.

This is one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. It's given me a whole new outlook on life.

- Stephen O'Dell, Jr.

Register below ASAP to reserve your spot!

Copyright Empowering Lightworks, LLC, 2023.