Bring more

of Heaven


Love-Borne LaHo-Chi

&Angel Light Healing Training

with Roslyn Elena McGrath


the Evolution

of Your Inner Healer & Spiritual Self


October 14 & 15

+ Professional Mentorship Meeting Option TBA


~ Would you like simple, easy, 24/7 access

to high-vibrational energy that can help you

experience more Grace, deep healing & personal evolution?

~ The kind of energy that takes you into deep meditative states, where you feel a sense of Oneness & Divine Love?

~ Energy that may:

- Bring forth gifts you didn't even know you had?

- Heal old mental, physical and emotional traumas?

- Bring Heaven on Earth closer now?

~ Energy that you can share with others,

near or far, including animals, Earth & more?

Love-Borne LaHo-Chi

is an ancient mode of energetic healing, a safe and complete healing form

that works from the superconscious level

(that aspect closest to God Consciousness),

setting up a template for perfect healing on all levels. The recipient's Higher Self

then draws through the amount and way that is best for them.

Angel Light

is a form of energetic healing which calls upon the Angels to assist directly.

It may be included your Love-Borne LaHo-Chi sessions or be facilitate on its own.

Potential benefits received

through Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light Healing:

♥ Accelerated Personal Evolution

♥ Greater Well-being on All Levels

♥ Experience of Oneness & Divine Love

♥ Greater Connectedness with the Divine

♥ Increased Access to Your Natural Gifts

♥ Release of Past Traumas

♥ Experience of Your Own & Others' Divinity

*Recipients will be able to reactivate the Love-Borne LaHo-Chi energy in their energy field

for at least 3 days after you facilitate their session & possibly much longer!

This is a One-Weekend Training

for a LIFELONG Change!

*Plus Professional Mentorship & Certification option

included free of charge.

Is This For You?

This training is for those from all walks of life,

"newbie" to expert, who want to:

• Expand their healing capacities

Accelerate their spiritual growth

Bring more of Heaven to Earth

No special religious belief or prior energy field healing experience is required.

The only prerequisite is your willingness to receive these gifts.

You will learn how to:

~ Easily access high-vibrational healing energy, available 24/7,

to help you experience more Grace, deep healing & spiritual growth

~ Go into deep, meditative states more quickly & easily

~ Prime one's energy field to help naturally:

- Bring forth innate gifts

- Heal old mental, physical & emotional traumas

- Experience Oneness & Divine Love

- Promote greater connectedness with the Divine

~ Share Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light effectively

with yourself & others, including animals, Earth & more

**You can also recieve Certification plus gain additional professional support

with a Group Mentorship meeting provided free of charge!**

PLUS, the sooner you register, the more

Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light you'll receive!!

All registrants are invited to join in for FREE BONUS

Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light Circles ONLINE

Aug. 2, Sept. 6 & Oct. 2, 2023

6 pm - 6:30 pm Eastern

Author, Channel, Healing Arts Practitioner & Visionary Artist

Roslyn Elena McGrath has been honored to initiate others

into Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light Healing since 2000

& share these profound energies in private sessions since 1996.

It's her joy to share these quantum energies & her personal learnings with you!

What Others Have to Say

The training changed my life! Love-Borne LaHo-Chi continues to expand my perceptions of the universe and has opened me to begin experiencing a journey of synchronistic discovery of Self.

Roslyn held a wonderful space of love and exploration for us during the training and spoke words of kind wisdom as she guided us through each step of the process. We were each encouraged to reflect on our personal discoveries and share them through creative mediums of our choice.

My allowing the LaHo-Chi energy to flow and work through my life has grown tenfold with practice. It has shed light upon opportunities to shift doubts and fears into confidence that the love I AM is boundless and transformational.

If you feel drawn to experience LaHo Chi, follow your soul’s calling!

- K. Chenoweth, Musician

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The Love-Borne LaHo-Chi training has made me more aware of my clients needs and increased my intuition skills. My clients love it – many experience deeper relaxation, greater awareness of themselves and their needs, and receive valuable guidance for their lives.

- Cassandra Warren, Massage Therapist

* * * * *

Practicing Love-Borne LaHo-Chi on myself got me through the difficult period of taking care of my mother at her home during the last three weeks of her life. It gave me immediate relief, helping me let go of the tightness around my heart and overall stress, and to stay present and centered through this challenge.

Thank you, Roslyn, for sharing this training with all of us!

- Deb R., Life Coach

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Love-Borne LaHo-Chi finds my center and dances me back into perfect focus. Guides and Angels like to come and play in Roslyn’s room, and insight is free-flowing, like a wise and infinite river of awareness channeling through the air. How could I resist returning to that room? How could anyone?

- Cynthia C., Author & Mom

* * * * *

You gotta try Angel Light healing! It took me to a place where I was in no pain, after being in pain every moment of the day for thirteen years, no matter how much medication I took.angel Light made me feel so good, better than I'd felt before. I didn't have a care in the world. I was at peace and my body was too.

This is one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. It's given me a whole new outlook on life.

- Stephen O'Dell, Jr.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Love-Borne LaHo-Chi work?

Though of very high frequency, Love-Borne LaHo-Chi is a simple & complete system of safe healing energy that works on the superconscious level (the level considered closest to God) to facilitate profound transformation on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

It activates a blueprint for total healing. The Higher Self of the receiver then draws through whatever degree and manner of healing is most perfect for the individual at that time. The resulting energetic changes are permanent.

Why is it called Love-Borne LaHo-Chi?

Love-Borne LaHo-Chi is a very high frequency of healing energy which utilizes a gentle laying-on of hands.

It's "Love-Borne" because it is borne of and through unconditional love that is always available to us.

The "La" stands for love light and wisdom, "Ho" to the horizontal or Earth plan, and "Chi" to the universal life force energy, i.e. the love, light and wisdom is moving through the horizontal plane to work with your personal energy or chi.

What's the difference between Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Reiki?

Love-Borne LaHo-Chi is a very high vibrational healing energy with roots in Ancient China that comes through the superconscious level.

There are no levels of training, no symbols involved, and a simpler format of standard hand positions than Reiki.

Recipients can reactivate the Love-Borne LaHo-Chi energy in their energy field for at least 3 days after you facilitate their session & possibly much longer.

How long is the training?

We will go 10 am - 5 pm both days, with time for lunch & snack breaks.

Will I be able to facilitate Love-Borne LaHo-Chi & Angel Light after the training?


More Questions?

Please complete the form below.